segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

Bolsas nos EUA para professores de inglês ou português

Estão abertas, até 30 de setembro, as inscrições para o programa Professor Assistente de Língua Portuguesa nos EUA. O programa, realizado em parceria entre a Comissão Fulbright e a Capes, oferece até 30 bolsas com duração de nove meses, para período de agosto/setembro de 2012 a maio/junho de 2013.

Os candidatos devem ser formados em letras (língua portuguesa ou inglesa), com proficiência em inglês. Terão prioridade: candidatos com pouca ou nenhuma experiência nos EUA; professores da rede pública de ensino; e ex-bolsistas do Prouni. A bolsa inclui os benefícios de moradia, alimentação e passagem aérea de ida e volta, entre outros.

Mais informações

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

XIV EPI 2011

O XIV EPI - Encontro de Professores de Língua Inglesa promovido pela APLIEMT (Associação dos professores de Língua Inglesa do Estado de Mato Grosso) acontecerá pela primeira vez em Barra do Garças nos dias 04 e 05 de novembro de 2011. Contamos desde já com a presença e participação de
professores de inglês de escolas públicas e particulares, escolas de idiomas e universidades, pesquisadores, alunos de graduação e da pós-graduação, professores do Cefapros e profissionais interessados em geral. Em Barra do Graças toda a logística do evento está sob a coordenação da professora Neuzamar Marques Barbosa (Cefapro) que muito entusiasmada irá a nos ajudar a tornar possível a realização do evento este ano na cidade acolhedora à beira do Araguaia.

quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Opportunities for teacher trainers abroad

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are a registered charity; 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). We create international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and build trust between them worldwide. We call this cultural relations.

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For your information. Call for Hornby Course Director in India and Sri Lanka.

Luciana Brasil
Project Officer
British Council
SCN Qd. 04 Bl. B Conj. 202 | Brasília, DF | 70714 900 | Brasil
T + 55 61 2106-7537 | F + 55 61 2106-7599 | BCTN 217 7537


Applications are invited for the post of Course Director for the Hornby Residential Schools


Classroom based assessment of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English for secondary learners


There will be a total of three residential Hornby Schools in India & Sri Lanka in 2011. Each school will have 40 participants.

Venues are not yet confirmed but will be in well equipped training facilities or hotels in India and Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka August 2011 (tbc)

East India August 2011 (tbc)

West India August 2011 (tbc)


The Hornby Schools will be attended by teachers and trainers from government schools or institutions, some will act as champions to share learnings from the schools when they return to their own districts. The teachers will have varying levels of experience and language proficiency and will be working in challenging operational contexts. We also expect participants from NGOs with an interest in ELT.

Each Hornby School will also have a several experienced teacher trainers, selected by partner teacher training institutions, who will, in-turn, cascade the full programme to teachers in their institutions following their course. An additional 10 Champions will be selected during the Schools from the 120 participants and subsequently these 10 will be invited to attend an additional 5-day programme to help them adapt the materials as appropriate and set up the cascades. This additional train the trainer programme is called Master Trainer: Beyond the Basics and is the final stages of piloting and development.

Background Information

Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) was introduced into the Indian education system in the mid-eighties. This involves assessing learning outcomes on a continuous basis through graded classroom-based tasks, for which the resulting scores are recorded to gauge progress in all subject areas. Most of these methods of evaluating learner progress are based on reading and writing. It is envisaged that the Schools will give teachers and trainers the skills to put the theory into practice. Further information about CCE in India can be found at

In Sri Lanka with the Presidential Initiative, ‘English for Life Skills’, which promotes speaking in schools, there is a desire to add speaking into the national assessment system. Currently it is unassessed. It is highly likely that classroom based assessment will be an upcoming topic in the schools system. Further information can be found at:


· Raise awareness of the theory of classroom based continuous assessment and how to put this theory into practice in the secondary classroom

· Equip participants with the skills to embed classroom based continuous assessment into their classroom practice

· Define appropriate, student –friendly methods of assessing listening, speaking, reading and writing

· Define rubrics for scoring assessment tasks

· Match appropriate assessment methods to tasks typically found in secondary textbooks in India

· Optimise participants’ use of their own textbooks and other resources when assessing learning

· Raise confidence and build skills of participants in their role as champions

· Produce an article for India & Sri Lanka edition of English Teaching Professional which shares learnings and ideas from the school

· Encourage teachers to be part of Hornby Schools 2010/11 online community for continued sharing of ideas


The Course Director will be expected to:

  • agree core objectives, topics and schedule structure with the BC Project Manager
  • produce detailed course objectives, list of topics and draft schedule for BC Project Manager by end June (dates tba).
  • as much as possible, use appropriate parts of British Council Teaching English and Learn English websites
  • design a course overview, participant materials and a comprehensive set of trainer’s notes using prescribed format and templates and send to Project Manager by end July (dates tba). Session plans may need to be adapted for each location to take account of local textbooks and syllabi. It is envisaged that a final version of the course and trainers notes will be published on the BC website.
  • deliver the course
  • participate in course activities and at least one extra-curricular activity per course
  • maintain effective communication on academic matters with Project Manager prior to, during and after the event according to agreed deadlines
  • maintain effective communication on administrative and logistical matters with Regional ELT Heads prior to, during and after the event according to agreed deadlines
  • organise collection of feedback for the course participants according to British Council requirements and refer to collated feedback in final report (collation to be done by BC staff)
  • collate lesson/activity plans designed during the course as a booklet to be sent to course participants, Regional ELT Heads and Hornby Board of Trustees and for publication on the BC website
  • write a report for the Hornby Trust and Project English on all three courses
  • co-ordinate and contribute to one article which may be used for publication about the course – format and topic to be agreed with Project Manager

Selection Criteria

Essential skills and competencies (candidates will be expected to reflect their ability to meet these criteria in their applications)

  • C2 (CEFR) English language level
  • minimum of five years experience of designing and delivering teacher training programmes, ideally in developing contexts with state sector teachers
  • proven ability to design and deliver a course to fit the course description
  • excellent interpersonal skills
  • an understanding of developing country educational context and / or experience of working in India or Sri Lanka
  • ability and willingness to work as part of a team (academic and administrative teams)
  • good team building and leadership skills

Expenses and fees

The course director will receive a fee of £1000 for each course delivered which includes all preparation and reporting. However, it is possible an additional fee may be available for providing a final set of materials that can be published on the BC website. In addition, economy-fare travel and hospitality costs will be covered.

How to apply:

Interested experts should send the following to Clare O’Donahue at by Monday 18 April 2011.

1. an up-to-date CV with two professional referees

2. a covering letter stating how they meet the criteria listed

3. a brief statement (up to 300 words) of how they envisage the course contents for this school

4. availability for August and September 2011

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

Bolsas de mestrado à distância para professores da educação básica

O ministro da Educação, Fernando Haddad, anunciou nesta segunda-feira (21/3) a criação de bolsas de mestrado à distância para professores da educação básica por meio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes). A condição para aquisição do benefício será a permanência de, no mínimo, cinco anos na rede pública de ensino. O anúncio foi feito na cerimônia de outorga da Ordem Nacional do Mérito a 11 educadoras brasileiras, no Palácio do Planalto.

O ministro informou que os cursos deverão ser nas áreas de disciplinas aplicadas na educação, como matemática e biologia, por exemplo, e que além de garantir a melhoria da educação por meio do aperfeiçoamento dos professores, a medida visa incentivar o aumento da oferta dos cursos de mestrado para educadores. Haddad disse que a intenção é que as universidades reajam à provocação feita pelo MEC e ofereçam mais cursos.

“Queremos garantir o prosseguimento do estudo do professor, agora com mais que uma especialização. Seguindo a experiência dos países desenvolvidos do ponto de vista educacional, nós vamos estender as bolsas de mestrado para os profissionais da escola pública que tenham interesse neste diploma ”, explicou o ministro.

A cada mês de março, o benefício será liberado e terá vigência máxima de 24 meses. Existe, também, a possibilidade de concessão de bolsas para mestrados presenciais, desde que em cursos aprovados pela Capes e consideradas algumas situações de interesse específico do Estado. O não cumprimento do compromisso de cinco anos de exercício em escola pública, após o curso de mestrado a distância, implicará a devolução dos recursos.

Fernando Haddad frisou, ainda, que será permitido aos professores acumular o salário e o valor da bolsa, uma vez que o mestrado não exigirá dedicação exclusiva. A medida faz parte de um conjunto de ações para elevar a qualidade da educação básica, definida pelo MEC como “área excepcionalmente priorizada”. A portaria que normatiza a concessão dessas bolsas será publicado no Diário Oficial da União de amanhã (22/3).


segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

XXVII JELI - Jornada de Ensino de Língua Inglesa




convidam a todos a participar da

Jornada de Ensino de Língua Inglesa

Novos Letramentos e Avaliação: Desafios Contemporâneos
no Ensino e Aprendizagem de Inglês

May 20 and 21, 2011

São Bernardo do Campo/SP

Universidade Metodista, Campus Rudge Ramos